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Héctor Lasso, Walk of Fame, ring, 2012. Foto met dank aan Theo Smeets©
Héctor Lasso, Walk of Fame, ring, 2012. Foto met dank aan Theo Smeets©

Free jewellery encyclopedia: hedendaagsesieraden.nl is the largest open source encyclopedic website about (contemporary) jewellery. Like Daniel Kruger stated March 11th 2021 during an online event: it’s a labour of love. Every week 3 or 4 new entries about artists, museums, galleries, exhibitions, academies and collectors worldwide are being published. Almost 2000 articles are online and more than 6000 articles are in preparation. Every published encyclopedic article has its equivalent in Wikidata, the multilingual database behind Wikipedia. When you’re published on hedendaagsesieraden.nl you are accessible by everyone everywhere, which means that meaningful contributions to the jewellery field are reflected on top of Google’s search results, and your work is woven into the larger digital record. Artificial Intelligence applications operate with databases like Wikidata as well.

The encyclopedia is a resource that connects the makers, collectors, and promoters like gallerists, writers and publishers internationally without requiring a fee for participation. It is an historical archive helping to bridge the post-digital world with the pre-digital world so that contemporary jewellery does not lose access to its history. In this way hedendaagsesieraden.nl is creating a cache of institutional knowledge that can be shared by all rather than separated by information silos (of academy, social class or geography). The website is free of charge. No paid memberships required: there is no hidden or exclusive content for privileged people only.



The website was launched October 2016 when Galerie Ra in Amsterdam celebrated its 40th birthday. It’s mission is to offer information about the world of (contemporary) jewellery in a comprehensive and encyclopedic way.

There are plans to build a freely available database aside from the website and an image database as well. These developments take time and need money. Please consider your support.

Feel free to send in your questions, suggestions, images, additions or corrections through the contactform or write a comment and start a discussion. If you have publications or documentation that could be of interest to the website: please let me know.

The google translate button can translate the entire website in English, Chinese, Arabic or whatever language you prefer. I hope you’ll enjoy your visit to the website, find inspiration or an answer to your question, and will come back soon.

Esther Doornbusch

This is a non-commercial independent website initiated by E. Doornbusch with minimal financial resources but lots of love and time. Please consider a donation to support this website: NL27 TRIO 0781 5140 02, E. Doornbusch, Amsterdam, The Netherlands or via paypal.me/hedendaagsesieraden. Any amount is appreciated and will be used to improve the website.

Please use this link if you want to refer to this page: http://hedendaagsesieraden.nl/english/

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